Gujarat election result 2017 : A spark for youth politics ??

Gujarat election result 2017 : A spark for youth politics ??

                 The entire nation turn their eyes towards Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh election results. Asusual BJP and Congress fights for the throne. Before this results both are ruling parties in each state. BJP in Gujarat and Congress in Himachal. More than Himachal Pradesh everyone focusing on Gujarat because its prime minister narendra modi's home state. Moreover that state is considered as BJP's fort, they are ruling over 25 years there. As expected lotus blooms again in Gujarat, but the hands lost their power in Himachal.

                       But this time Congress give tough competition to BJP in Gujarat. Eventhough BJP holds their power in Gujarat they wont be happy because of this. They won 99 seats out of 182, which is 16 seats less than the previous (they got 115 in 2012). At the same time congress won 77 seats out of 182, which is 16 more than the previous ( they got 61 seats in 2012). Though its a straight win for BJP, the results shows a bit discontent among people over their rule. Eveytime BJP depending on Modi, for 2022 they have to work alot to retain the power. And its a good comeback for Congress, Its certainly not because of Rahul's approach. Rahul asked a lot of questions against BJP it made the people to think for voting BJP. But not enough to make people to vote for Congress.

                    The result of Himachal Pradesh made chief minister Virbadhara Singh to resign. Out of 68 seats the ruling hands got only 21, which is 15 seats less than the previous ( 36 seats in 2012). On the other hand the lotus smiled towards the sun by winning 44 seats, that is 10 more than required for majority. BJP clinches Himachal as a lion. 

                 Lets come to Gujarat, Among the election results we should focus on these three young candidates. 

Alpesh Thakore aged 40, the randhanpur canditate faced election from the side of Congress and won the seat by the margin of 14857 votes (got 85777 votes for him).

Jignesh Mevani aged 37, contested in Vadgam as individual candidate with support from congress won by 19696 votes (got 95497 votes for him). 

Hardik Patel, who is familiar among India in the result of their of the protest held by him. He also played a major key in this election. He just 24 years old so he didnt contest in this election.

                 Among the three Alpesh Thakore may get a chance of  electing as a state congress leader of Gujarat. But you can observe all the two candidate fetch the votes in the base of caste. Happy to see youth got selected for assembly. The people likely wants the youth to rule them. The thought spreading all over India, definitely this results will reflect in all the state and make youth to contest in election.

                But we cant expect the same will happen in other states too. Remember the name Irom Sharmila, the lady who went fasting for nearly 16 years for her state and her people to repeal the Special Armed forces act which was imposed by Indian govt. I hope everyone know the result of the election she contested. She got only 90 votes.

                  Gujarat election result may be a welcome one for all who expecting youth leaders. It may give hope to many young people to contest. But definitely this spark will never became a forest fire in Indian politics. Our politicians and political parties definitely wont let them to to good things. Overall we can welcome the youth contestant, but we doesnt wants them to be a caste based politicians.


