Dark Road Prank - Based on real story

Dark Road Prank -Based on real story

                 The friendship of John and Sara from kinder garden onward makes them to join together in a Top rated media. Its a private media so that they have to target audience by doing many interesting programs like dares and dance. Both John and Sara went to same team and worked together. The channel seeking an innovative program to increase the viewers count. So John and Sara decided to make an idea to impress their Boss. As per that they conveyed their idea to Editor. Initially editor doesn't want them to do that program because it is based on ghosts. 

                    Then they went to their boss and convincing him like if they allow us to do that program surely channel will be on the top of viewers rating. But there is a problem in it already their competitor channel doing a program on searching ghosts in abandoned places. If John and Sara started the program most of the viewers tell like they copied their competitor. So boss made a small change in their ideas. As per that they have to do a prank. Yes finally they decided to do a Ghost Prank program.

                    The Prank idea is simple as per that John has to drive a car via an abandoned road. He has to pick some pedestrian who needs lift. On the way Sara have to stand in the middle of the road by dressing like a ghost . She should scare John and the guy who was sitting with john inside the car. So that they will capture the guys reaction and will telecast in the channel. Based on this idea the boss planned to increase their channel TRP as well as people will think like ghosts were just prank. So that the opponent channel TRP will reduce. 

                      Within three weeks as they expected the program became popular for many viewers. The next day John and Sara went to shoot the program at night. This time they changed the road where people already scaring about ghosts were present. As usual John drops Sara in the middle of the road and return back to the starting point. After 1 hour a old man walking on the road. John spotted him and stop the car and picked him. John drives towards Sara. John stopped the car and started to give scary expression as he saw a ghost. The old man not even scared a bit. John explained everything to him that everything is a prank only and the ghost is his friend Sara. 

                  Its almost crossed 1 pm so John and Sara decided to back to home. Now Sara, John and that old man inside that car. Sara asked the old man that how he sat without scaring. The old man  opened his eyes lids and replied "You can scare humans but not the ghosts". 


  1. Goood... but I can guess the climax... which lower my interest on ending...
    Hope You can do better


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