Nirbhaya to Asifa - Time to protect our sisters

Nirbhaya to Asifa - Time to protect our sisters

                    On December 16, 2012 a rape happened at the capital of India, made vibes all over the nation. The victim was raped brutally by four animals in a running bus and her male friend was attacked. Almost every Indian citizen asks justice for that girl by doing protest. As usual the law and order dept arrested those rapist and produced in court. Among the four one was minor aged less than 18. What justice that girl got ???? those animals sentenced to jail. Few heartless lawyers supported for that juvenile by forgetting they also having a girl in their house. He was released after 3 years and working somewhere now.

                    After 5 years of Nirbhaya case still rapes happening in our country. The land of goddess worship became unsafe for female. Now a child got raped in kathua district of kashmir and a girl raped in UP. The kathua child was raped by a gang by giving drugs to her. More than that she was raped by that temple priest inside in front of the goddess  and that 18 year UP girl got raped by MLA and her father was murdered as he asked justice for her daughter. Not only those two in the past 5 years lot of our sisters got raped by someone or by somegang. Only few of the incident went viral in media because they are raped brutually.

                Its not a matter about the age whatever the age may be but she born as a female. All of the victims raped because they had female birth organ. Whoever may be the criminal a man, a boy, a politician, a priest, a police, a lawyer it doesnt matter what work they are doing and in what position they are. The criminal should sentenced to death. Then only in future those who have intend to rape will got fear.

                Once upon a time only some aged girls were raped. Now a days school children also facing rape and molestation. Even a 1.5 year girl baby got raped. This nation becoming unsafe for all who born as a female. Few rapes happened because of sex desires but most of the brutal rape happened because of political reason only.

               All of us made a oath in our school that " India is my country, All Indians are my brothers and sisters". Is that problem with our education???? Yes that too we should not simply say these slogan at the time of prayer alone. School should teach students that she is only a girl by birth except that she is also a human being. 

                The problem is not whether the criminal is educated or uneducated. First thing they should have humanity. Born as a girl is not an easy task. Wherever she goes she should be alert. Lot of restrictions to her. She cant able to go out freely. She cant able to trust anyone. She is losing her freedom. It means the world become only for males. Rape is not only the matter of body it related with her mind too. She will gets affected by both mentally and physically. 

                            The Rajasthan Assembly on Friday, 9th March, unanimously passed ‘The Criminal Laws (Rajasthan Amendment) Bill, 2018’ that provides for the death sentence to those convicted of raping girls aged 12 years or below. It has now become the second State, after Madhya Pradesh, to pass a Bill of such kind providing death penalty rape convicts. Last year, Madhya Pradesh assembly had passed ‘The Penal Law (Madhya Pradesh Amendment) Bill-2017’ awarding death to those found guilty of raping girls aged 12 and below. These laws need few corrections like not only girls aged 12 or below, all girls need protection from rapist. The law need an amendment. 

                             The criminals should not get death penalty they need more than that. Their eyes, hands and legs should be removed and let them to live. Then only they will the understand the necessity of women and humanity. We can do anything by simply trending and sharing justice for a girl post in social medias. If we really wants to put an end to this cruel act should take a step in real. Being a brother we should raise voice for our sisters whenever she face any abuse or molestation. Its time to protect our sisters from the heartless beasts.


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