Remembrance of Jallikattu Protest - One year of historical moment

Remembrance of Jallikattu Protest

                     Last year in the mid of January month 2017 the entire world focused their eyes towards Tamil Nadu. Is it because of their cultural festival "Pongal" ???? Nope..... Because of a protest, every people who are all looking from other countries got surprised... How come youngsters from Tamil Nadu (a well known state for corrupted politicians) doing a protest in an appropriate way??? moreover just for protecting their native breed bulls??? There is a proverb in english " United we stand Divided we fall". Unity is the most powerful weapon in the world. So only British people use divide and rule policy to control the entire India. Now also Indian politicians using the same technique to rule the people in the country. 

                     For the past 70 years in Independence India lot of protest happened for a certain cause of particular group, for some particular caste, for some state etc., But no other protest has became a role model for others as like as " Jallikattu protest". The people of Tamil Nadu who give a spark to Indian Independence by doing a Sepoy Mutiny in 1806. Two centuries years later they showed one more example to the entire world how to do a protest ?

                              The problem has started with a ban against their cultural event Jallikattu. It a kind of playing with their bulls worked for them during farming.  At the time of Pongal festival, the third day is for bulls known as Maatu pongal people used to serve pongal to bulls and decorate them by colouring their horns and hanging balloons. A part of it, they used to tie a bag of coins to their bulls and starts to play with them in the ground. The players has to run with the bulls and have to take that coin filled bags. Initially it is called as Sallikattu ( salli means coins and kattu means tie) later the name changed into Jallikattu. 

                                  Some idiotic morons 1 in 10000 doing like giving alcohol to bulls and bursting crackers behind it, so that the bulls can run uncontrollable. Because of these SOB's the animal welfare board people started to seeing this event in other way. The starting point of the trend dates back to May 7, 2014 — the day of pronouncement of the judgment banning jallikattu, a bull taming sport practised in Tamil Nadu. People can get the case details of Jallikattu ban from google itself. So, im skipping the case discussion now.

                           From 2014 onwards every year they are seeking permission for this sports, but supreme court denied it. But tamil people later only realised the involvement of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) behind this ban. Everyone got awarness due to the posts and videos shared in facebook and twitter. There is a master business plan behind this, the corporates wants to sell their A1 milk from the western breeds in Indian market. This A1 milk can increase the risk of getting diabetes. Before 5 decades the amount of people affected due to diabetes were very less. But in recent years even a 3 year old kid also having diabetes. Most of the people from city consuming these hybrid breeds A1 milk. Still in few parts of India people using native breeds milk. Obviously they are free from diabetes now. To increase their insulin business and selling rate of A1 milk the corporates wants to stop the production of A2 milk. It means to put an end to native breed bulls and cows.

                        Most of them says this as a nice imagination, but the truth is after few days of jallikattu protest Coco-Cola launched a product in Indian dairy market named VIO. This one makes everyone to think about the above plan of corporates. Lets come to protest, the tamil nadu youngsters got all the details about this from social medias and  showed their support to the people who are already doing protest for the past two years. 

                          They started their protest with two demands one is to revoke the ban which was imposed in 2014 and to ban PETA from India. The protest reflect in each and every district of Tamil Nadu. But the one which was held at the world second largest beach Marina in Chennai leds to the gathering of large number of people. Approximately a count of million gathered there to show their support for this protest.

                           School students, College students, Corporate employees, Govt staffs, other publics from small kid to aged citizen of Tamil nadu joined in this protest. Students stayed in beach itself for few days and nights. The best thing i loved in this protest is their humanity. They doesnt know each other faces, they not even seen them before still they helped others by sharing food and water. 

                         Once a medical student got raped by four strangers in Delhi, which creates a vibe over the nation. It was happened in 2012, still the same thing continuing in the Indian Capital. Delhi became the unsafe place for girls to travel at midnight. But in this protest, lot of girls and boys stayed in beach itself at nights. Not even a single girl got abused. The boys starts seeing them as their sisters, as like friends and  protected at the time of protest. I can proudly say we are the forefront for the world in women safety.  

                         At a moment to dissolve the crowd from marina, government used a strategy like stop the power supply around marina. But the torch lights from the million mobile phone not only gave light to the beach it creates a hope to Tamil Nadu people in that darkness. One more thing happened, government showed its smartness by blocking the cellphones signals by using Jammers. But they forget to think about our talented people, these people are working in private companies just because of recommendation and bribe in govt posts. Within few minutes they hacked that jammer and showed that most deserved peoples are not getting govt jobs. 

                        One more interesting thing, a policeman was doing his duty in morning to make sure the protest happening in peaceful way. But at evening he took participate as a supporter for this protest. This one shows these people maturity level not to confuse their job with self interest. Some politicians and actors also showed their support. But the protesters didnt divert their mind and stood for their demands. 

                       Again the politicians showed their fox skills in this protest. Some political members enters in this protests as supporters and showed themselves in their channels to portraying their involvement. But the sad thing is this remarkable protest ends with a small riot. Few local goons from political side entered inside to make riot, but they didnt realise they did the protest in behalf of them also. 

                        Whatever happened, after Indian Independence this is the first biggest and successful protest in India. Do you know the impact of this protest, Like this the people of Karnataka also started a protest to revoke their ban against their cultural event KAMBALA. The people who taught about the culture to the world, once again teach the humanity and unity. Next generation people can remember this protest as much as proud like we remembering the Indian Independence war.


