The Unknown Fingerprint - PART 2


 Readers who missed The Unknown Fingerprint Part 1 click the below link to read it.... 

                 This year Diwali and Ravi's birthday falls on the same day. The government has regulated lot of rules in bursting crackers to avoid air pollution. Ravi was not interested in crackers so they were not celebrating the festival with crackers. Ravi started narrating the office incident to his son as a story. Manimaran eagerly listened that story and slept.  Ravi and his team came to office after Diwali.They had lot of dreams about sharing sweets, sharing their Diwali experiences and have to start their second stage of work.

               The team entered office this time everything was normal and the first stage of work remains undisturbed. But the materials for second stage was stolen. Everyone shocked after seeing this because the parts are very big, few of them are bigger than a car. The door was not opened no more holes in the walls also then how come one can steal the entire materials. Moreover it is located in an island either airway or waterway only should be used to transport the materials. Everyone were shocked and wondering the things going on the island.

           This time investigating team first searched for fingerprints. Within few minutes they have got some 20 fingerprints from the first stage of the device. Everyone shocked after seeing that fingerprint result it belongs to one man which is matching with the unknown fingerprint from the first crime. So the crime was done by a single man not by a team. How a single man can handled that much big parts alone. The case is confusing everyone. Ravi came to a conclusion that this was done by a guy who doesn't wants this project to complete.

                Investigating team finally checked the CCTV footage for the sake of investigation and they found a 25+ year old guy with half face covered by front hoodie looking at the camera for 10 seconds. The remaining footage was blank. He was about 6 feet tall having slim body wearing pant and T-shirt with front hoodie in dark colour. Is it sufficient to find that guy? No but he left a clue. Both the scene happened exactly between 1 AM to 1:30 AM and both happened before the starting for new schedule.

               Ravi got a spark that how he knows exactly the completion of old schedule and kick start of new schedule? It means the person should be the one who continuously observing the status of the project. Ravi started viewing all the CCTV footage. But his guess was wrong. Then how he came to know the work status. Ravi wants to deals this issue as personal. The team continued their second stage of work. They doesn't wants any delay in the completion of project. So all of them worked hard to achieve this in short time. As a result of this,the second stage of the work completed in two months. That is Diwali falls in October month and the second stage going to get over before Christmas holiday. Ravi became more alert than others because the second stage completed and final stage starts from next year 2026.

             Ravi was waiting for the suspect to come and interrupt the final stage of project. He decided to stay inside the office for the next 5 days.He was eagerly waiting for that stranger. Ravi has lot of unanswered questions in his mind. Why that guy disturbing the project? Why he came at a particular time? How he is coming inside the lab without knowing anyone? Finally who is he?

           On Dec 26,2025 time 12:45 AM the day after Christmas  at AI-Kisan project lab as like other days all the lights were switched off except lights at the device construction area. Ravi alone was hiding behind the parts of final stage and waiting for the stranger. Pin drop silence surrounded the lab. Ravi is hearing the sound of sea waves clashing with the rocks. Suddenly he changed his mind as he doesn't wants to catch him, he just want to see the guy and to know why he is doing all these things. The time is going to reach about 1 AM. Ravi's heart beat increased a lot. He doesn't know what will happen after meeting that stranger. If the stranger finds him what will happen. Ravi thought about his wife and beloved son. Time is now 1 AM.

                Ravi closed his eyes in fear, in the silent night he feels like someone walking in front of the device. Yes the stranger came. Ravi kept watching him. The stranger walks in front of the device and starring at the final stage parts. He moved towards those parts. Ravi got scared a lot because the stranger marching towards him. If he moves any parts he might have chances to see Ravi. But the stranger didn't touch any parts he moved again to the device side. Almost 15 minutes he simply starred at the device and thinking. Ravi thought like he might be planning to do something. The stranger took a playing cube from his pocket and started to play. Ravi wondered after seeing this because it is not the usual toy with colours. That toy having 7*7 cube with digitalized and different time running in each face of the cube. Just 1 min is there for 1:30 AM now. The stranger still playing suddenly he stopped play and have a look over the device and moved his hoodie to wipe his tears. Yes he cried. That time Ravi saw his face.

               The million dollar question in Ravi's mind got an answer now he saw the strangers face. Time 1:30 AM now and the stranger disappeared suddenly. Ravi got shocked after seeing the biggest surprise in his life. He never thought that there will be a guy who looks like himself. Yes he saw himself, the stranger looks exactly like Ravi. The stranger aged between 25-30. Ravi's eye were filled with tears. Because the cube toy that stranger had in his hand was the same one which Ravi presented as gift to his son on his last birthday. But the cube went lot of modification. The cube was self designed by Ravi. In general the cube will be in even numbers but Ravi had designed it as in odd form.

           Ravi got answer now, the stranger is his son Manimaran only. Everyday he tells his work as story to his son and from that only he came to know the work status. Then how come he became 25+ years old? He is just 3 yrs old now. Why he is disturbing his dads work? If he is really 25+ years then is he travelled across time?

                 Only Manimaran can answer for all these questions.

To be continued.........
