The Unknown Fingerprint - Final Part


 Readers who missed The Unknown Fingerprint Part 1 and Part 2 click the below link to read it.... 

                   2050 AD the world what we see now is completely changed. Buildings occupied the entire city. No more trees in the street. Humans made trees and other plants to grow at the terrace of every building. Humans changed the habitat of plants and forced them to grow as like he wants. They made separate land for agriculture and it belongs to corporate. That corporate having an organisation to maintain the entire world's agriculture. Those organisation heads will decide what crops should cultivate in what time and what people should eat. Every crop has an unique nature like it took some months or days to grow. But these humans changed everything and started to decide when it should grow and when to ripe.

                  The bonding between nature and human is totally disappeared. Almost all the food crops turn into poison. This artificial nature results create lot of disease among the people. So they started to move towards hospitals. In that way the medical mafia earns a lot of money. Simply medical mafia first create a disease and then they spread that disease among people by those artificial grown crops then again they will find the medicine for that disease and earns. This become like a ECO-WAR. A developed nation doing against developing nation and become economically more stronger than the developing one. The result is the developing nation will always remain developing one.

                 Manimaran son of meteorology scientist Dr. Ravi made his home as his research centre. From childhood onward he interested towards the time. So he started to research about time travelling. The spark for time travelling was induced in the year 2016 itself by observing Gravitational waves with the help of LIGO experiment. From that point itself research about time travelling starts all over the world. But no one can achieve it. Manimaran's research going in a right way as he thought. He try to make an artificial fabric that makes time travelling easier. So he used his playing cube as a device and made those faces as space dimensions.

                That time the world faced a drastic climatic change. People experienced heat more than 50 degree Celsius in daytime and almost -10 degree at night time. Most of the people cant able to withstand this climate difference and lost their lives. Animals and plants also cant able to withstand this. Scientist from the world trying to control this temperature difference with their climate controlling device. But they cant, sometimes we have to accept our defeat. All the oceans and sea level increases due to the abnormal increase in temperature. Scientist know it all happened because of their climate control device but they dont know how to stop this.

               In the meantime manimaran prepared his time travelling device and testing it. The device initiated its travel as per manimaran fixed date. Within few seconds manimaran was thrown out to some location. He just opened his eyes and realise that he was in his house with some changes. Time is 1 AM now. He thought his project failed and came out of that room. In next room his dad ravi sleeping in the bed with his mom suja and there was a kid sleeping in between them. That kid having a cube in his which was presented by ravi. Yeah, Manimaran  now seeing himself as a kid. He got the result of his project with wrong value. Actually manimaran set his time to go future but that device throws him 25 years back and date was exactly the manufacturing date of that cube.

             He cant believe that he has travelled the time. For sometime he keep on starring himself (that kid). Time became 1:30 AM now. The device started automatically and throws him back to 2050. Unknowingly some error happened in manimaran project, that device works only for 30 mins in particular time alone. It can take him only to 2025 and 2050. It means he has to live in both the years. Everyday he should spend 30 mins in 2025 and 23:30 hours in 2050. But manimaran can decide the location he can travel. He started to watch his childhood everyday. Ravi used to tell stories to him at every midnight. Now this grownup manimaran also hearing those stories. It means he is hearing all about his dad's project.

             After few days of travelling in time he just realised that now he is living with his mom only. Ravi died in a blast happened in that island on January 1, 2026. The case was closed as a fire happened at the fuel storage area which are used for launching missile. That missile launching area is next to the AI-Kisan research centre So this centre also caught fire and experienced a blast. Manimaran remember these things which suja already told to him. He decided to save his dad from that blast. Moreover he knows that the climate changing device which is the reason for extreme climate was invented by his dad only. He wants to stop the research so that he can save the world and his dad.

           Manimaran everyday listen the story about this project from his dad. Whenever his work schedule complete the immediate next day he plans to disturb that project. As planned ravi told the story of his research paper going to end by next day. So the next day Manimaran went directly to the research centre and fired all the papers. Then he opened ravi's system and erased the original documents too. Same way before the completion of first schedule ravi told this about to his son. Manimaran moved to the research centre and steals the parts for second schedule. He knows that he cant able to take those big parts with him to 2050 but he brought a small device named SCALYZER from 2050 which shrinks all the objects into our desired size. With the help of this he steals those parts.

              The second schedule going to complete in 2025. The day before Christmas ravi told to his kid that he is going to catch that stranger within next 4 days. Our time travelled manimaran listened this so only the next day he went to research centre and didn't do anything. Manimaran just simply went near his dad and sit in front of him so that his dad can see him.

            Ravi recognise his son manimaran as travelled time. Next day he went to his kid and told that he has seen him. Manimaran listened this from behind but he cant able to show himself to his dad directly. That time ravi told he is not interested in that project because it is going to be a biggest threat for mankind in the form of climatic change. Yes before the completion of second schedule ravi and his project mates naren and rahul prepared the pros and cons of that project. Then they came to know if they completes this device within few years this makes a imbalance in nature. The world will face an abnormal temperature difference. Ravi not interested in this project he doesn't wants anyone to affect because of this. Initially he joined in this job because of doing a favour to agriculture. But now the entire world will get a threat because of this.

              He explained about this to his colleagues naren and rahul. They accepted that will inform about this to higher officials and government and put an end to this project. Manimaran listened all these things from ravi. He got confused his dad decided to quit this project and how come the project got completed and working in future. The next day December 31, 2025 last working day and last day of that year. Ravi went to office and thinking about this. Even manimaran also waiting for this day because his father is going to no more from tomorrow in 2025. He is waiting for the next day Jan 1, 2026 1 AM..

            In ravi office that day he had a meeting regarding to stop the project. Government officials, Business investors and ravi colleagues were present. Ravi argued about the effects of this device and put forwarded to stop this project. Even naren and rahul supports him. The AI-Kisan director listened all their points. He promised like he can inform this to agricultural minister and Prime Minister. Ravi stayed there for sometime and discussing about this to naren. Time almost 7PM now those business investors came to ravi's cabin. They argued with ravi not to stop this project. Because they have planned a big business based on this. They asked ravi to work with them privately. But ravi didn't agree. Then naren and rahul hit ravi on his head and tied him with a rope.

            They cant able to take fainted ravi outside the office so they hide ravi inside the device itself. Time is now 10 PM, Business people took all the project details from ravi's hard disk and moved from the research centre. The second shift people started to come into the workstation. Still ravi didn't opened his eyes he is inside the half constructed device. Time is about to 1 AM now. New year started in both 2026 and 2051, Manimaran travelled his time and came back to 2026 . He went to research centre and searched his dad, but he is not there, workers celebrating new year outside workstation. Naren and rahul inside the office and deciding how to complete this device. Manimaran was shocked because his dad doesn't wants to continue that project but these people initiating this.

            Manimaran not having time within 20 minutes he has to go back to 2051. Within that he need to stop this project and save his dad. He made sure that his dad is not present in the research centre. So he decided to stop the project. He don't have any other option. manimaran directly went to the missile testing centre next to this and give a spark to the fuel which they used for launching missiles. Exactly at 1:30 AM before leaving this world 2026 he fired the entire island. He came back to 2051, he taught everything changed now. But he was wrong the business people who took the project details from there opened a private research centre and started the project after the death of Ravi and AI-Kisan team.

              Then only manimaran came to know that he killed his dad. He realised that he can travel the time but cant able to change anything. Everything in the world was predefined but no one knows about that. Time is a variable one. Every past once was a future and a present, Every present once was a past and a future, Every future once was a past and present. Now manimaran have only option to conserve nature and to destroy that climate changing device in this 2051.

                  Just remember all the problem happened in the story because of trying to control the nature and its habitat. Eventhough we have achieved lot of things in technology. Still we cant able to find what are all there inside the seas and oceans. Having lot of unanswered mystery in our world right from bermuda triangle to life after death. So dont try to control the nature. Is it possible?  No way...
